Saturday, June 30, 2007

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

happy mother's dayyyyy

how me and my kiddies spent mother's day!!!

happy mother's day wendy!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

You're my only hope

now look whos a scruffy looking nerf herder (wink)

- Jason

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Combat Dog Doodies Extended Over-Sea's

Fresh off the wire: Combat Dogs with the K-9th Deployment will hereby be ordered to remain in Iraq and Afghanistan (more like Ruffganistan!) for an additional three months per tour.
The dogs of war are a fierce and feared ground unit whose bite is far more gruesome then their bark and whose service to our Fatherland is surely without measure. When asked how he felt about the news (which came direct from First Dog, Barney the Scottish Terrier,) Sgt. Rott A. Weiller said he felt honored to do his masters barking.
Well there you have it folks, dogs love war! And you should too, unless you hate dogs and America! And we all know only cat lovers hate dogs, and even those freaky pijama's love the good ol'e US a' A!!! LOLZ...

{First Dog Barney shown above at a press conference he hosted this afternoon from the Dog House. Sleuth Dogs from every major publication were there, including Bark Branagan from the New York Bone, and Poodle Sweeney from The Throw Me a Bone Quartlery. Barney hosted some hard to chew queries but all in all the press was calm. Complimentary rawhide was distributed to one and all to reward the obedience.}

Monday, April 9, 2007

1 Samuel 17:43

Did you dawgz realize that DOG spelled backwards is GOD spelled fowards!?!?
I just got back from a handful of wild days and nights in New York City (REALLY!!), so you just know that I got loads of great dogz sightings to report.

Number one on the list is a run in me and a colleauge had with a little schnauzer. We heard him before we saw him. He was making some weird noises behind my back and when I turned around, there he was, being so sweet! Why would a little dog make weird noises? The owner wondered too. He bent down to scope out his snout but didn't seem to find anything. This is a dogz mystery I will be sure to update you on soon.

For the next sighting, I am reminded of this tiny tot I saw 3-7 months ago outside of my colleauge's favorite pizza store. Across the street I spied a little guy no bigger than the curb. He had to climb up on the curb! I don't think he was a baby either. Who would make a dogz that small?

My last update is one of friendship. While navigating the mean streets, a young boy no older than 11 was observed picking up his fuzzy pal and carrying him. Oh, wow!

Dogz are everywhere!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Puppy Night

The other night dogz blogz was over my house for a plethora of puppies (and dogs). We've made incredible leaps in human/dog relations.


Saturday, April 7, 2007

War Dawgz fur Freedumb!

Hey Yall, Hot Dog here with some barking news from the war front.
It came to the attention of this investigative ruffporter that the New World Order has been training and deploying a task force of Beagles into the hot zone of sectarian violence you and I know as Irack (pronounced Iraq.)
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I don't know how yall feel about this, but I for one am ruffing proud that our dogz over seas are finally getting their chance to serve this great nation in its most dire time (since the epic cancelation of FRIENDS.) I'd love for yall to bark back with your opinions on this, unless of course you're a cat loving Muzlum, and in that case you'd better just keep back, before we get yall in the DOG HAUS ( get it? it's german... for HOUSE!.)
Yea Yall it's a wonderful time to be free, especially now that we have fewer liberties then ever to distract us! Man is the leash loose, think about how patriotic it is for these dogs to really pay man back for being best buds after all this time. Darn Yall I guess its safe to say the war on terrier will be swiftly one once we let these dogs out!!
If you want to sign your dog up to blow itself up in the name of U.S. Imperialism then get back to us here at DOGZBLOGZ the #1 site for fair and balanced dog newz.

Smoke DOG


"uhoooooohhh...I'm so hungry I could eat a cat.................

just kidding......I could always eat a cat."

Friday, April 6, 2007

fun for EVERYONE!

hey ya'll, i was searching the web and i came across this great little gadget.
it's a dog USB port, but get this... it HUMPS your computer!!! LOL!
if you don't believe me, check it out yourself:

i think you can buy them on the interweb, they're great for the office, school, or gifts for a special dog lover.
well, that's all for now! R'OVER AND OUT!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Dog... spelled backwards is God. Coincidence? I think not.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Right here, Dawg!

Peekaboo! Sorry there hasn't been many posts lately, but its spring break! I know a lot of ya'll think that means going to Cancun and getting on MTV (what a dream!), but nows the perfect time to get your dog on. This time of year doggies really got it going on and they go barking mad at parties! ( Just a joke! Please, If your dog really is barking mad you should call animal control or consult your vet)

(time for a cat nap. YEAH RIGHT!)

- Jason

Friday, March 30, 2007

Happy Birthday to ya!

Hey dog fans! Me again. Guess what? Its a very special day today. I know a lot of ya'll are saying, " Yeah Jason. We know. TGIF!" and you're right but no. Its a very special ladies birthday! My girlfriend, Kate! Happy birthday Kate! Normally it would just make me sick sick sick to even think of eating a pup, but i think we can make an exception. This mutt really takes the cake!

- Jason

Thursday, March 29, 2007



goofin' with goofy

It's wednesday night and I'm just goofin' around with my dog Goofy (named after my favorite cartoon dog).
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What a hot dog! My wife thinks its creepy, looks like I'll be sleeping in the dog house tonight. BOW WOW!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hi guys, it's me Jordan from What's Goin' on with Frasier: The Frasier Blog and I'm Goin "Clubbin": The Sandwich Ingredient Blog. Alan invited me to the Dogz Blogz so I can describe some dogs!

I would like to begin by reporting that this has been quite an exciting week in dogz news. On Monday Greg, a notorious dog enthusiast, brought his 12 year old beagle Herbert to school for a visit. Upon entering my apartment, this loveable canine immediately began attempts to chow down on everything he could get his paws on! "Everything" includes bits of paper on the floor, half of a leftover steak, and even the bottom of apartment-mate Jenny's shoes. Other highlights include when he went into my room.

The dogz news does not end there! During yesterday's surprise heatwave a colleauge and I toured the campus on foot, making a quick stop at the dorms. The quad was alive with guitar antics, outdoor sports, and an overal redefinition of the term "hanging out". To a soundtrack of the Gorillaz, a black lab was observed creating havok in the middle of a game of frisbee by sprinting into the game to "fetch" the flying disc. The pup avoided all attempts to retrieve the disc by the players, while the owner looked on, laughing. All this reporter can say is that while it is fun to let your friends run free, there is always a time and place to keep dogz in line!

NEWS FLASH: I can see a dog outside of my window, but it is too far away to see what kind it is. From this distance I can safely say that it is small.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Who likes lasagna anyway?

I've got a real bone to pick. Garfield is sooooooo mean. He's always giving Odie such a hard time. I'd sure like to get my paws on that cat and teach him who let the dogs out. Odie's the real star of that comic strip anyway. What do ya'll think?

- Jason



talk about "bones"

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Wag of the tail to ya!

How are you, good friends? What a lovely dog day! Am I right? I am. Its days like this that I really know how great it is to be a United States of American, and a dog owner! The two best things you could ever be. Some of y'all might not be as blessed as I am and are what I call Un-American (not from America). But don't you worry. You can probably still own a dog! (If not try just loving dogs. Its whats in your heart that truely matters anyway). Rover and out!

- Jason

Friday, March 23, 2007

Morgan is winking at me


Alan here, It’s a real warm Friday night and I’m in the perfect mood to dish on some dogz and post in some blogz! I hope this post really gets all you pups yelping!

I think the best way to introduce myself is through my poodle, Morgan. What a dream boat of a dog! She’s a standard black poodle, just like me. We both just love snow, yummy! You know the old saying, “owners and poodles, they always look exactly the same” It’s true! Just take a look at this pair, the resemblance is undeniable! I dare you to deny it! Just kidding, don’t.


leave some bones!

A late night howl!

I just couldn't wait. I'm so excited about all these dogs. Some people like cats. Well you know what i say to that? Thats okay, I just like dogs more. He he! But seriously, everyone. Just look at these puppers. bow WOW!!!

yawn. These little guys sure are making me sleepy. I feel like i've been chasing a cat all day! Just kidding! I wouldn't do that. ever.

- Jason

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Happy Dog Day!

Firtst blog post, ya'll! Thanks you! Casey, my dog ( you'll be hearing a lot about him), is having a birthday. Got any gift ideas? comments comments coments!!! woof woof!
this isn't Casey (camera shy). Its mokey! hi mokey!
